Chicken Outfit Apps

Da Vinci Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Da Vinci is the greatest thinker of his time.He saw generations into the future using simple inferences frombasic observations. It makes sense that over sixty of his paintingsand sketches would make it to become a live wallpaper on yourphone.
Bible Verse Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Two thousand beautiful verses from the entiretext of the King James Version of the Bible overlaid over picturesof the Creation.
Commercial Property Systems 3.0
Chicken Outfit
Public and private commercial real estateinformation for appraisers.
King Henry VI, Part 2 Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
The war continues with 500 quotes from theplayand images taken from towns where Shakespeare oncewalked.
Winter's Tale Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
You cannot have Hermione when thereisPolixenes. Everyfool knows that. But you can have this lovelylivewallpaper featuring 500 quotes from the play over beautifulimagesfrom Shakespeare's home town.
Atheism Live Wallpaper 1.1
Chicken Outfit
... so then I was like, "dude, how can itbeboth pink and a unicorn?" And she was like, "becauseit'sinvisible." Then I realized that what I always knew but had Iknownnow what I knew now then now it would never have come tothis...*POOF* An invisible pink unicorn live wallpaper foratheists, orfor nobody.
Sprung Chicken 4.0
Chicken Outfit
Do you ever imagine someone is runningalongside your car while you are in it? Well, now that somebody canbe achicken that jumps and squawks. You can even enjoy runningaroundthe house with the chicken and doing some amazingjumps!
Pericles Prince Of Tyre 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Featuring 500 quotes from the play withimagestaken from towns where Shakespeare once lived. Periclesdown.
Lao Tzu Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
This live wall paper contains more thanfivehundred quotes from Lao Tzu's Art of War and other works.Calmingbackgrounds will keep you focused on the battle.
King Lear Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
The final cut is the deepest. Cut the chordandbuy this live wallpaper. It offers 500 quotes from the playwithimages taken from towns where Shakespeare once lived. It willnotlove you or hurt you.
Cymbeline Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Get back Mr. Floyd. Before you have More, check out Shakespeare'sCymbeline live wallpaper with 500 quotes from the play with imagestaken from towns and houses where Shakespeare once lived.Reflexive! But what image belongs to whom?
Measure for Measure Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Measure once, cut twice.. Measuretwice...won't have to cut again.Now that you survived that, measure and buy it: 500 quotesfromthe play with images taken from towns where Shakespeareoncelived.
Venus & Adonis Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
This is a dirty, dirty poem. Oh wait. Iwasthinking of a poem by Browning. Never, mind. This poem isabouthorses or flowers or something. But I'm sure you willenjoywatching its lines on your phone over pictures ofShakespeare'shome town none the less.
Merchant of Venice Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Shakespeare's dad was a tax collector.Perhapsthere is something personal about this play for that reason.Orperhaps usury and usurious individuals are wicked and a threattolife itself, and The Bard was trying to convey this. Lendingforprofit should be illegal. Do you agree or is it tar andfeathers?Contemplate this and your navel with this live wallpaperfeaturing500 quotes from the play and images taken from townswhereShakespeare once helped his dad collect tax on beer.
King Henry VI, Part 1 Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
The war of the roses had many inbred,er,ingrown thorns. Rewater its dark roots with this livewallpaperfeaturing 500 quotes from the play with images taken fromtowns andgardens where Shakespeare once walked.
King Henry IV, Part 2 Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Shakespeare's wild romp, Henry the Fourth,Part2, a live wallpaper. Featuring 500 quotes from the play withimagestaken from towns where Shakespeare once loved.
2,000 Odyssey Quotes Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Voyage with the great poet when you buythisbackground of two-thousand quotes from Homer's story of ahomewardbound man, and the ravages of war.
Tempest Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Before Gilligan's Island, before Bob Denverandthe Denver omlette (see ephisode 99), Shakespeare was alreadytoyingaround with the idea of haters stuck on an island togetherinTempest, or The Tempest. The "The" article should be implied bythesigularity of the noun "Tempest", but, speaking of haters, Iwouldhate to get stuck on an island with a grammarardian. What'snotimplied though is that this live wallpaper has 500 quotes fromtheplay with images taken from Shakespeare's home town. It willkeepyou thinking about who you would like to be stuck on anislandwith.
Shakespeare's Sonnets Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Travel the French Alps, get lost inladyfingers playing at an instrument. Pine with the Bard overlostyouth. This live wallpaper offers lines from all ofShakespeare'ssonnets, and presents them in a unique way that willkeep youlanguishing in Italian love poetry.Includes imagery from the bard's home town!
Much Ado About Nothing Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Sigh no more, ladies. Shakespeare's MuchAdoAbout Nothing live wallpaper is here. Featuring 500 quotes fromtheplay with images taken from towns where Shakespeare once livedandloved.
1930s Downtown Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
The thirties were a wild time for America.Thiswallpaper contains careful restored imagery from those yearsfull ofcurvy cars and bright neon.
Tragedy of Macbeth Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Get your strut on with this livewallpaperfeaturing 500 quotes from the play and images fromwhereShakespeare had a home.
Merry Wives of Windsor Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
The title alone is enough to make yourmonoclefall out with mirth. Hang on to your jewel bespeckledcodpiecewhilst purchasing this live wallpaper featuring 500 quotesfrom theplay. Images taken from towns where Shakespeare once livedare probono.
A Lover's Complaint Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Featuring the full text with images takenfromtowns where Shakespeare once lived. Rhyme royal withoutthecheese.
Two Gentlemen of Verona Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Lady looks like a dude is a lady, is adude.Don't try to understand, just buy this fantastic livewallpaperfeaturing 500 quotes from the play along with images fromthe townwhere Shakespeare grew up as a little girl.
As You Like It Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
I know you are going to like 500 quotesfromthe play with images taken from towns where Shakespeare oncelivedtriggering reflections on bardhood. The world is your stage[whenturn off your tv].
Othello the Moore Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
The "Othello" is a deception that hasbeenrepeated across history, civilizations and continents.It'swonderheist itself that the name of this Moore has not come tomean"social compliance through social deception". Think aboutthatwhile buying this live wallpaper featuring 500 quotes from theplaywith images taken from towns where Shakespeare oncelived.
King Henry IV, Part 1 Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Made from perhaps one of Shakespeare'smostdaring plays, the Chicken Outfit is proud to present King HenryTheSixth, Part 1, live wallpaper. Featuring 500 quotes from theplaywith images taken from the towns where Shakespeareoncelived.
Tragedy of Coriolanus Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Do the chickens peck at the crows who peckatthe eagles? Does the human species have these "peckingorders"?What is popular rule? What is popular? Will you ever learnhow tosay the title of this play correctly, and without snickering?Theanswers will all be made known when you own this shiny newlivewallpaper featuring 500 quotes from the tragedy as well asimagesfrom where Shakespeare once wept.
Love's Labours Lost Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
True to vanity, this live wallpaper promisestotitillate your senses with 500 quotes from the play and imagestakenfrom towns where Shakespeare once lived.
Working Women Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
This live wallpaper featuresauthenticphotographs of working women of the 1930s and 40s. Itshouldprovide you with inspiration throughout the day.
King Richard II Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
King Dick the Deuce, as he preferred tobecalled, enjoyed a good war, violating property rights andshortwalks in prison. Just like you'll enjoy 500 quotes from theplaywith images taken from towns where Shakespeare oncelived.
Comedy of Errors Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
There is not mistake or errors in thislivewall paper. Promise. It's just 500 hand selected phrasestakendirectly from the play with images from Shwakespeare's hometown.You will not be accused of demonic possession for downloadingthis.In fact, a few of your friends might think you geniuslevel.
Antony and Cleopatra Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Featuring 500 quotes from the play withimagestaken from towns where Shakespeare once lived, this livewallpaperwill keep you pining for forbidden internationallove.
A Midsummer Night's Dream Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
500 quotes from the play with images fromwhereShakespeare once lived to keep you thinking of wild forestasses.Bike not included.
All's Well That Ends Well Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Did someone say first folio? Betterscratchthat itch! Just kidding, folios don't itch like follicles.But 500hand selected phrases from Shakespeare's All's Well ThatEnds Wellwill keep you thinking about good folio. Don't worry, itends well.At least in this play. I can't say the same about thekey, orhamlet or the other hairs.
Timon of Athens Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Most of your friends are there becauseyouprovide them with gradual usages. If you want to give all ofyourstuff away so that you have nothing to offer, and learnaboutfriendship the hard way - go for it. Or, or you can studypoorTimon of Athens and later emit a misanthropic monologueoflamentation by yourself when nobody is looking. Afterward,cleanyourself up and bake some cookies for your "friends" withlesschocolate chips than the recipe calls for. This livewallpaperfeatures 500 hand selected quotes from the play withtastefulimagery taken from Shakespeare's home town to keep you intheknow.
Richard III Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Before Ed the talking horse on TV, therewasEd's widow, lady Anne in King Richard the Third. Now you can ownalive wallpaper personally commissioned by Shakespeare thehorsefeaturing 500 quotes from the play with images taken fromtownswhere Shakespeare, The Man, once lived.
2,000 Iliad Quotes Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
This is Homer's epic love and war poetrylikeyou have never seen it before: two thousand hand selectedquoteslaid over classical Grecian statuary.
Jesus Hour Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
This presents His words like neverbefore,every day, every hour.
Titus Andronicus Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
There is no business like the revengebusiness.Or was it show business? I forget how the song goes. Buthave younoticed that those engaged in the revenge business areoften wellfunded? That's because people tend to work best whenthey care less.Speaking of apathy, this play has Goths in it too.This livewallpaper features 500 quotes from the play in additionto rarephotographs taken from Shakespeare's home town.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Yo, Rick! Hahahahaha! Too soon? Alas, poor Yorick, we hardly knewye. Don't worry, this live wallpaper will cheer you up! It features500 quotes from the play as well as pictures of where Shakespeareonce wept (for Yorick).
King Henry VIII Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Ain't no stoppin' a king when he wants tomakea little dude with a monogamous harem. Even when that king hastheKell blood type, its make a little dude or get a newreligion.Feeling manly? Want more hair on your throne? Then thislivewallpaper is for you! It features 500 quotes from the playwithimages taken from towns where Shakespeare once lived asanunregistered little dude.
Absinthe Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Think on prohibition and the Green Fairywiththis unique live wallpaper featuring Absinthe paintingsandnewspaper clippings.
Taming of the Shrew Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
The shrew'd is not tamed, or is he?Contemplatethis and other taming notions with this live wallpaperfeaturing 500quotes from the play and images taken fromShakespeare's hometown.
King John Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Before Long John and Long John's LongJohn's,there was King John. The invention of all three werefollowedseveral decades later by another stroke of genius, orgenius with astroke: a live wallpaper with 500 quotes from the playand imagestaken from towns where Shakespeare once licked fish andate chips.Buy it now. It's better for the brain than Omega-3.
Troilis and Cressida Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Agamemnon needed his mammy and Achillesneededhis big boy boots. This daring play presents the strugglesthesetwo bad boys of antiquity faced before committing tofull-bodygardening. For example: what is an insult and what istrulyinsulting? Reflect on that whilst repining upon 500 quotesfrom theplay along with pleasant images from the Bard's hometown.
Julies Ceasar Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Et tu tutu? Just kidding. Put yourgoodshanking knife away. There are no ukuleles in this livewallpaperfeaturing 500 quotes from the tragedy with images takenfrom townswhere Shakespeare once lived.
Romeo and Juliet Live 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Roro, Roro, climb up the window! Sorry.Myrhymes are weak sauce, but you can keep your lines spicy withthislive wallpaper featuring 500 quotes from the popular playwithimages of towns where Shakespeare once popped his ownachne.Remember, kids, poste haste makes human waste. Wash yourface. Nomore rhymes. Mean it.
King Henry V Live Wallpaper 1.0
Chicken Outfit
Featuring 500 quotes from the play withimagestaken from towns where Shakespeare once lived. Drink withFalstaffbut don't text while driving or drinking.